Aims and Scope
We are proud to announce the Fifth Doctoral Consortium in Computer Science (JIPII 2025). The aim of JIPII 2025 is to provide a forum where PhD students can present, discuss and develop their research under the guidance of a panel of senior researchers. It is a meeting forum where advances in the PhD theses under development in the Doctoral Program in Computer Science are presented. This Doctoral Program belongs to the Doctoral School of the University of Cadiz (EDUCA).
Different stages of research will be covered, from the most incipient phase, such as the PhD Thesis plans (or even a Master’s Thesis), to the most advanced phases in which the defense of the PhD Thesis is imminent.
JIPII 2025 will take place in-person in June 10h, 2025 at the School of Engineering in Puerto Real, Cadiz, Spain. The format of this conference is similar to that usually found in other conferences, with a written paper and an oral presentation of the same, with the corresponding audiovisual support.
We would like to encourage any student, researcher, or professional interested in these topics to join us and participate in the event. We hope that this edition will bring further opportunities for collaboration that will surely increase the quality of our current and future research.